Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Andre Martins De Barros

Paris Master - Andre Martins De Barros-
Surrealist in Paris.
Artist note: 
For a long time I practice a painting that I spent most of my time if not my life. I always imposed a discipline, both from a technical point of view as from an artistic point of view, no border should not inhibit my inspiration or my creativity. For me, life and death are closely related to my subconscious and I find the path that gives access to the creation. I was told complicated and even tortured. So it takes some delirium associated with a mixture of humility and megalomania to tap into this daily inspiration and it is with a very intense fear I seek the differences between beauty and ugliness subjective. Today my experience as my experiences generate fantasies that I would transpose onto a canvas. Each theme is to defy comparison to provoke thought, to get the pleasure. Since my childhood, I have never ceased to devote a great passion for the great masters of the Italian and Flemish masters the great Renaissance, they have always been part of my artistic universe and have created in me this requirement of perfectionist.

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