Sunday 8 March 2015


Artville Artist Of The Day
Title: Mint/d
Size: 30 x 72 x 6 inches
Shantamani Master who was born in Bangalore in 1967 obtained her Bachelores degree in Art from CAVA, Mysore and Master of Arts (fine) in painting from Faculty of Fine Arts, M.S. University, Baroda.
Here is an artist statement on her current exhibition, Fluid Fragmnets. "Fluid Fragments is an installation of paper works revolving around female body displayed in layers. Today's medico- technological innovations like Genetic engineering, M.R.I and Gamma imaging have introduced new techniques of non-invasive examination and stirred new interest amongst us to look inwards, into our own body. Body has been put back on the examination table - every inch has been dissected and measured. Hence, the body technologically, conceptually and aesthetically becomes very fragmented; our image of the body no longer remains as a whole.
These techniques of M.R.I and Gamma imaging virtually slice every inch of live human body without touching. This fragmented way of seeing the body layer after layer interested me. When I applied the same technique of layering the body conceptually and aesthetically in my work it opened up tremendous possibilities. Possibilities of dealing with many issues of life, especially of female body in one go. The possibility of parallel opening of many aspects of life - like women's body as a metaphor, female body and its gender politics, and the way body is seen in religion, law and technology. When I combined with this the process of bringing out my own experience it ended in a rich outcome. Being a woman by birth and an artist I have observed many woman's attitude of looking inwards; a woman's compulsions of being highly conscious of her own body and the way she introspects the changes that the age brings was the reason I chose a female form.
Separating the painting from the wall I have devised a display pattern where viewer walks in between these layers. This offers an experience of being part of the work for a viewer; it reduces the gap between an onlooker and the displayed object. It's an experience of traveling inwards and responding to the issues in and around the body."
courtesy: saffronart

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